'Ne'er-do-wells & pick-pockets'
That’s the latest from the other McCarthy, writing for the gullible at National Review. McCarthy is once again warning his shrinking flock that Obama is out to “socialize” America through the “redistribution of the wealth” (no, he doesn’t mean by taking $850 billion from the taxpayers and giving it to Wall Street bankers). Now that the soon-to-be-prez and I (“communist educator”) have launched our new “coven of change-agents,” our first agenda point, according to the other McCarthy, is to champion the “right of society’s ne’er-do-wells to pick the pockets of its achievers through the coercive power of government.” Ne’er-do-wells, of course, is McCarthy’s term for the poor, the unemployed and the homeless.
Even worse, our coven advocates for “social justice.” Can you believe it?
If any of you are interested in joining our new coven, you can contact me here at SmallTalk, or more importantly go out and vote by Nov. 4th.
Julie at PURE writes:Two of my favorite writer-colleagues take complementary but stylistically rather distinct approaches to advising the next president on education reform. In a Sun-Times essay, John Simmons, of Strategic Learning Initiatives, reminds our soon-to-be new leader of the strong body of school reform research in Chicago: “There is no better place than Chicago to find the best ideas for how to improve this nation's school.” Read the rest…
Yeah, you and Barack mixing up mixing up social justice in a big cauldron full of eye of newt, toe of frog, civil rights, poor people's frustration, and yummy, tasty children.
ReplyDeleteYes, join us. Then we'll be:
ReplyDeleteDouble, double toil and trouble
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
My favorite phrase here, that says it all. NRO is upset with:
ReplyDelete"...voter-registration efforts to over-represent society's bottom-dwellers...."
In other words, keep feeding them shit, but we top-feeders get to keep the ballot boxes.
Keep On Keepin' On
Stop McCain, Stop the War, Vote Obama 2008!
Carl Davidson
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