Thursday, October 23, 2008

Gates for president in 2016?

First it was Dilbert's Scott Adams. Now, Ralph Nader thinks my pal Bill Gates should run for president in 8 years. Nader’s scenario includes the collapse of both Democratic and Republican parties in the next few years and the failure of Gates’ power philanthropy to drive real change. He tells the Oregonian:

“There are so many billionaires now,” Nader said. “There will be one going in. I wouldn’t be surprised if Gates went in 2016. He will have seen that massive charity won’t do it. It takes public policy.”

While anything is possible, there are two problems with Nader’s scenario. First, Nader of all people, should know that Gates and the muscle philanthropists, already have great influence over public policy without having to go through all that democracy stuff. In fact, the presidency might be seen by Bill as a demotion--certainly a cut in pay. Secondly, Gates has been seen palin’ around with and even funding some small-schoolers (obvious terrorists) to the tune of about $2 billion. I won’t name names but suffice to say, he as an Obama problem.

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