Friday, November 6, 2009

Gates study to measure teachers beyond the test scores

Bill Gates is putting up $2.6 million for a study on measuring teacher effectiveness "beyond using test scores." The study will be a two-year joint project between the UFT and New York's DOE.

But why? Both Gates and N.Y. Chancellor Joel Klein have long been the main advocates for "merit pay" based solely on test scores. It was less than a year ago that Klein extolled the virtues of THE TEST in his interview in U.S. News.
"...we're kidding ourselves if we don't think these tests are giving us a reasonably accurate prediction of whether we're getting our kids ready for—at least in New York City—ready for graduation with a regent's diploma, which is a meaningful standard."
So if test scores are so accurate, why all the money spent on alternative and varied assessments? Maybe the push-back has been too strong. The line from the top seems to be shifting slightly as NCLB re-authorization time draws nearer.

Push-back is good.

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