Protests rocked Chicago following the Laquan McDonald shooting and the cover-up that followed. |
Responding to liberal critics of incivility, I'm trying to get back in touch with my inner civil self. Not like all those
"McCarthyites" on the Vineyard who are shunning poor
Alan Dershowitz or that mean old bartender in D.C. who
flipped off Trump's racist-in-chief,
Stephen Miller. Miller got so upset, he tossed his sushi. What a waste.
I'm now looking for common ground with political foes like Mayor
Rahm Emanuel and
Gov. Rauner. I'm even offering to mediate the rift that broke out between the two over Saturday's anti-violence protest on the Dan Ryan which ended with each telling the other to "shut down" their Twitter accounts.
C'mon fellas. remember,
you're long-time business partners. Rahm, Bruce even
donated thousands to your campaign warchest. You both gonna let a little expressway disruption get in the way of millions in profits?
Remember, you two will always have Montana. |
My message to both of you: Remember,
there will always be Montana and that thousand-dollar bottle of Napa Valley wine you two shared.
Believe it or not, I've also found some common ground with Rahm's former police superintendent,
Garry McCarthy, who is now his number-one, great-white-hope opponent in the mayor's race.
McCarthy, who was Rahm's top cop during the
Laquan McDonald killing and cover-up by Chicago cops,
now says, he opposes spending $95M on a new police & fire academy.
So do I, but for different reasons.
Here's the part I agree with:
“This police academy is a shiny object that Rahm Emanuel can point to and say, `I’m all about police reform.’ It’s for political purposes — not functional purposes,“ McCarthy said.
“I could find much better ways to spend that money that would have a much greater impact on what’s happening in Chicago. … I’d use that $95 million to put social services and mental health centers back in communities that need them the most.”
Here's where I don't:
McCarthy contends that there is no new training needed and that CPD is doing a fine job. He was at odds with the Justice Department's report which came out in 2015, when Emanuel was forced by a judge’s order to release video of white Officer
Jason Van Dyke shooting Laquan McDonald, a black teen, 16 times. The report found CPD’s training to be sorely lacking.
That dispute forced Rahm to throw his top cop under the bus. Hunger for revenge appears to be what drove McCarthy to enter the race. He will likely draw votes from largely-white wards on the northwest and southwest sides where lots of cops and firefighters live.
I of course, don't agree that CPD is doing a fine job. I don't even buy the "few bad apples" theory which would also, by the way, make a new training academy unnecessary.
The ongoing shooting of unarmed black men, women a children by mainly white Chicago cops is part of an institutionalized culture of entrenched racism within the department which is, at worst cultivated and encouraged and at best, tolerated by the mayor, department heads like McCarthy, and the FOP.
In other words, this isn't really a "training problem", but one calling for more radical solutions which need come directly from the communities most impacted by police misconduct.
It's not that I'm against a sparkling new police training academy in principle. It's just not high on my priority list, given the current state of public school buildings and other city infrastructure needs.
I don't think any of the mayoral candidates have real handle on the problem. But I am intrigued by the idea of a gay, progressive African-American woman like
Lori Lightfoot, who Rahm appointed president of the Chicago Police Board,
giving the mayor and McCarthy a run for their money
in the most recent polls. According to those polls, taken in April, 62% of those surveyed want someone, anyone besides Rahm as mayor.
I'm with the 62%. I would sooner vote for Pigasus ('68 reference there) than for either McCarthy or Rahm. Still searching for my civil side on those two.