Friday, November 4, 2016

Why is the IEA backing Radogno?

Radogno carrying water for Gov. Rauner.
Hey teachers in the IEA. Wanna know how your dues are being used. Check out your union's endorsements and see if you're OK with them.

Here's one, Christine Radogno (R-41). She's the top Republican in the Senate and chief water carrier for Gov. Rauner. And, as Trump would say, believe me, she's no friend of teachers or teachers unions.

Back in January, when Rauner was pushing for a state takeover of Chicago schools as a way of busting the CTU and gaining control of the district's $5B budget, Radogno stood right by his side. She even co-authored the Senate takeover bill

Rauner is still holding the state education budget hostage, with Radogno's full support. 

When the state's charter school lobbyists rallied their troops in Springfield back in April, there was Radagno leading the cheers for "choice" in the form of vouchers and privately-run charters. On the other hand, she wants to stop "throwing money at" public education.

She's attacked every real legislative move to increase the minimum wage, claiming it won't help "job creators."

She led the fight against gun control and for concealed-carry laws in the state.  

So why is the IEA endorsing and throwing money at her? Maybe it's time for the state's teachers to ask. 

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