Thursday, May 27, 2010

Attention bounty hunters

We know about schemes to pay students for high marks. And we’ve written about some of the marketing tactics schools are using to attract families. But one charter high school in Williamsburg is taking a step further – offering a $100 reward to any student who recruits another teenager to attend the school. (New York Times)

1 comment:

  1. I don't think this is novel at all -- it just seems to have gone unnoticed. When I visited the KIPP San Francisco Bay Academy here in my town a few years ago, there were big posters on the wall announcing prizes for families who brought in new students -- Gap and Old Navy gift cards (Gap/Old Navy founder Don Fisher, since deceased, was a huge KIPP donor). I blogged it at the time.

    Of course, we all know that "all KIPP schools have long waiting lists," or at least we "know" that if we read Paul Tough in the New York Times. So gosh, I wonder what the deal is.


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