Bloomberg bought the election for a cool $100 million and still barely won. It was the most expensive race in history outside the presidency and teaching N.Y. students the Golden Rule: He who has the gold gets to make the rules.
Ford Fund puts $100m into urban high school reform
The grants focus on New York City, Los Angeles, Denver, Philadelphia, Detroit, Chicago and Newark, N.J. Among the early grant recipients so far: The American Institutes for Research in Behavioral Sciences, to develop new school-finance models; Stanford University education professor Linda Darling-Hammond, to write a series of papers about assessment methods; and the American Federation of Teachers Innovation Fund. (Gewertz, H.S. Connections)
More charter schools, more cuts at LAUSDFewer students ultimately result in staff reductions --- over and above those already caused by the state budget crisis. Even if the charter students are added in, district enrollment is down 1.4% from last year, continuing a recent trend. (L.A. Now)
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