"Good schools focus on habits, on what sorts of intellectual activities will and should inform their graduates’ lives. Not being clear about these habits leads to mindlessness, to institutions that drift along doing what they do simply because they have always done it that way. Such places are full of silly compromises, of practices that boggle commonsense analysis. And they dispirit the Horace Smiths, who know that the purpose of education is not in keeping school but in pushing out into the world young citizens who are soaked in habits of thoughtfulness and reflectiveness, joy, and commitment."--Horace's SchoolIt's with deep regret that we report the passing of friend, colleague, and teacher, Ted Sizer. Ted lost his long battle with cancer Wednesday night at the age of 77. Ted will long be remembered as one of the great educators of our time. He was a teacher, the Dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the founder of, and a guiding light behind the Coalition of Essential Schools and a major force in the modern-day school reform and small-schools movements.
I last saw Ted and his wife Nancy a few weeks ago at a meeting in Providence and was amazed by the clarity of mind and sharpness of purpose evident in his contributions to the discussion despite his obvious physical deterioration. He remained an activist until the end.
Thanks to Coalition Director Lewis Cohen for sending me this CES tribute to Ted. Also, in"CES at 25: Changing Schools, Changing Lives," the Fall 2009 edition of Horace, Ted Sizer's longtime colleagues shared their thoughts about the impact of Ted’s life and work.
This from George Wood and the Forum for Education and Democracy
The small schools movement owes a great debt to Ted.