Whatever happened to the CPS tutoring program?
Fewer than half of the children who signed up for federally mandated after-school tutoring will receive it this year as a budget shortfall has forced the Chicago public school district to re-prioritize spending. The district will only be able to serve about 32,000 of an estimated 72,000 children from grades K-12 who applied for the tutoring, district officials said. (Chicago Tribune)Whatever happened to pay-for-grades?
The Green for Grade$ program was created by the Education Innovation Laboratory at Harvard University, also known as EdLabs. The program was implemented to develop student interest in school and a commitment to reaching academic goals in the first two years of high school when students are more likely to drop out, [School Board President Michael] Scott said. Several administrators are unaware of the reason behind the program’s cancellation this school year, said Ana Vargas, spokeswoman for CPS. (Chicago Talks)Whatever happened to Alternative & Safe Schools, Early Childhood, Grow Your Own Teacher Prep...?
The oldest, youngest and neediest of Illinois school children suffered the biggest hits as a reluctant Illinois State Board of Education, on orders from the General Assembly, slashed spending by $475 million. The cuts represent nearly half of last year’s state spending on such specialty grant programs as alternative and safe schools, early childhood education and Grow Your Own teacher preparation. (Catalyst)
I think this is what's going to happen to all of Duncan's "reforms" including merit pay. They may sound good but nobody wants to pay for them. Isn't that why they are firing the "teacher of the year" in D.C. and hiring inexperienced college kids to teach in the inner city?