D.T.: "Just remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” -- Vox |
Author, Rebecca Solnit
In my own dreams of educational reform, there’s a curriculum focused on how to research anything and check everything, how to understand what is and isn’t substantiated by the facts, when you do and don’t have the evidence to draw a conclusion, and how to live with the uncertainty and mystery that abound in all of us. -- The Curious Case of Elizabeth Warren and the "Charter School Lobbyist" Who Wasn't
U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.)
“Everybody makes mistakes and when you make a mistake or someone else makes a mistake, then you are not above apologizing to those people. Somebody’s got to apologize. I accept that role. Lori doesn’t need it, but because it may help somebody to resolve conflict, I apologize." -- Sun-Times
Natalia Salgado, senior political strategist with the Center for Popular Democracy
“What I have seen from Joe Biden is that he is running a campaign reminiscent of 1992 or 1993, the courting of the suburban white voter." -- Latino leaders sound alarms over Trump reelection in 2020
Fred Klonsky
Waiting, waiting, waiting for the next person to tell me about too generous teacher pensions. -- Blog post
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