Monday, January 2, 2017


#NoDAPL banner dropped at yesterday's Bears/Vikings game
Shaun King
I do not know exactly what 2017 will bring. I agree that it will be problematic and fierce, but I believe in myself, I believe in you, I believe in us. We have endured, survived, and thrived before, and I’ll be damned if Donald Trump is going to stop us now. -- Daily News
Van Jones
 Naming Kamala Harris and Keith Ellison, the CNN commentator then stated that Hillary and Bill Clinon’s influence on the party was done. 
“The Clinton days are over,” Jones noted. “This idea that we’re going to be this moderate party that’s going to move in this direction, that’s going to throw blacks under the bus for criminal justice reform and — or for — for prison expansion, that’s going to throw workers under the bus for NAFTA, those days are over. You can’t run and hide." -- Mediaite
Nikhil Goyal 
 By this time next year, the US public education may look very different. With Betsy DeVos almost certain to be confirmed by the Senate as the next secretary of education, fundamental planks of public education could begin to be dismantled. -- Guardian
Jeff Sparrow
All over the world, pollsters report deep unhappiness with the institutions of liberal capitalism. Yet somehow the left – a movement dedicated to social transformation – has become the defender of a status quo that no one much else likes. -- Guardian
Peter Greene
The dream of unified national standards, measured by uniform national standardized tests, is dead. The Common Core has gone into hiding, afraid to even speak its own name, and the national testing framework is a shambles. -- Duncan's failed education legacy

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