Thursday, October 16, 2008

CNS news called this morning.

L. Brent Bozell III

They wanted to interview me. Shades of O’Reilly.

Just what is CNS News, you may be wondering? They are the creation of L. Brent Bozell III (sure are a lot of these 3rds running around the wing-nut right). I remembered Bozell because Olbermann once named him “the second worst person in the world.” He’s been a mainstay of the fringe right since the Goldwater days, a leading swift-boater against John Kerry in ’04, and one of those who blame all the world’s troubles on the “liberal control of the media.” His favorite targets are "left-wing" TV anchors like
Bob Schieffer, Andrea Mitchell, and Chris Matthews. Thus CNS. There are no liberals there.

Swift-boater Bozell, obviously afraid to call me himself, had his first-year intern, a kid named Matt, call to ask me one of those “are you now, or have you ever been a member” of any left-wing organizations questions I’ve been getting lately, since all this Bill Ayers campaign lunacy began.

I responded by asking Matt about his internship at CNS? How he felt working for Bozell? Wasn’t he embarrassed, thinking of himself as a future journalist and then having to make phone calls to people asking them about their political affiliations from 40 years ago?

He responded nervously, “No. I’ve done lots of things more embarrassing that this.” Like what, I asked. “Umm, I’d rather not say,” he said. Well, have you ever heard of Joe McCarthy? You know, the senator? “Sure,” he says. Well, are you feeling some kinship to him right now? “Uh yes, I guess I am.” But it sounds like you’re really into it. “Yes, I am.” So, you’ve probably figured out by now that I’m not giving you an interview, right? “Umm, yes. But can you just tell me something about SDS, the Small Schools Workshop, Annenberg, and your connection to Obama?”

See you, Matt. Hope you find a real job some day.

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