Monday, December 27, 2010

Learning from Finland

Finland is one of the few nations that have accomplished both a high quality of learning and equity in learning at the same time. And Finnish children never take a standardized test. This according to Pasi Sahlberg, director general of the Center for International Mobility and Cooperation at Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture. (Boston Globe)


  1. But of course deformers won't pay attention to that small fact.

    They're good for citing research that suits them.

  2. And perhaps I might add in the current ed reform climate, ed reformers are paying for loads of research to back their agendas. For example, look at the Bill Gates funded study from Washington on teacher seniority. Is it a coincidence that this study was released just a few days after Gates blasted seniority on his own TV news network?


Agree? Disagree? Let me hear from you.