Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Forbes cheers the "end of education as we know it"

It will be much cheaper without teachers
Even if the economy rebounds, the situation for public education will remain bleak. With baby boomers set to retire en masse, state and local governments, which provide the majority of school funds, will face mounting retiree health care and nonpension benefit obligations for which they haven't made proper allowances. And local districts haven't yet felt the full pain of the housing crisis in reducing revenue from property taxes. In other words, we have only seen the beginning of the red ink. (Forbes)
But fear not. Harvard prof and tech guru Christiansen & Horn, have it all figured out. Wrote the book on latest buzzwords, "blended classrooms" and "disruptive innovation" without which so-called ed reformers like VanderArk wouldn't be able to speak at all.

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