Monday, February 15, 2010


Michigan state Supt. Mike Flanagan
Let's move these kids out that don't get it. ... Let's keep the kids who are fun to keep and move the rest to alternative schools! (Detroit Free Press)
Marc Dean Millot

He explains why his expose of Race To The Top conflicts-of-interest was censored by Alexander Russo via Andrew Rotherham, and why he was fired.
Why did Russo pull the post? The short answer, at least the short answer Russo offered over the phone Saturday, lies in his contract with Scholastic. TWIE is not editorially independent. Scholastic decides what will remain on his blog. (EdNotesOnline)
Deborah Meier
Narratives are easier to remember, and so we invent them. And, we always insist that at this moment we cannot move with caution because—it's a crisis in need of an immediate fix. (Bridging Differences)

1 comment:

  1. No matter whether Millot's post is *asking* or *charging* -- and I will add that it's not censorship for a private blog owner to decree what it wants on its blog -- we still have to note that there have been two high-profile cases of stifling voices critical of the ed-reform machinery in the past couple of weeks. I'm referring to the editing of Bill Turque's Washington Post blog as well.

    If there are any sincere, honest, ethical and independent-thinking supporters of the ed-reform machinery out there, shouldn't they be asking themselves WHY they feel they need to stifle critical voices? If your ideas are sound and the forces behind them pure, Mr. Rotherham et al., shouldn't they stand up to sharp questioning and criticism?


Agree? Disagree? Let me hear from you.