Thursday, July 10, 2008

Is Finn a hater?

Will one of you Fordham guys please tell Checker (right) to chill?

Fordham’s Checker Finn hates the government:

I've hung around Washington for the better part of four decades and have never seen so total a breakdown of competence, will, and common purpose. Consider, just for starters: immigration, Medicare, Darfur, national debt, NCLB, climate change, Tibet, infrastructure.

He hates young people and their damn blogs, feelings and opinions:

…nobody I know under 30 much bothers either with newspapers or radio/TV news. The oddments of current affairs that they pick up arrive via internet and, increasingly, the "blogosphere," which is more about feelings and opinions than basic information or sustained analysis.

He hates diversity:

When you fixate long enough on oneself, on "diversity" and on "sensitivity," what makes us different from each another eventually trumps what makes us similar.

He even hates Starbucks (at least, it gives him pause):

Starbucks, in a way, symbolizes both the best of American ingenuity and entrepreneurialism and the hedonistic, live-for-today, save-not-for-tomorrow, bread-and-circuses "life-style" that gives me pause about the future.

What does Checker like? The ultra-right-wing Bradley Foundation and its latest report.

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