Friday, August 21, 2015

Worst things I read this morning

Kasich tells these guys his "if I were king" fantasy. 

Not in any particular order... 
  • Republican presidential candidate, and union-basher, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, tells supporters:  "If I were king in America, I would abolish all teachers’ lounges where they sit together and worry about ‘woe is us.". -- MSNBC  After the first GOP campaign debate, some of my liberal friends thought Kasich was the "most progressive" of the pack. 
  • Hillary Clinton defends her call to deport children from the U.S. who are fleeing violence in Central America. She says it will send a “responsible message” that would deter Central American families from sending their children to the United States. -- Huffington  I agree. Sea World Camp, where the Clinton's sent Chelsea, would be a much better choice than camping at the border or U.S. Detention Centers.
  • University of Texas system presidents will be able to order the admission of students who would not otherwise be admitted on “very rare” occasions, according to a new policy passed Thursday, the Austin American-Statesman reports. -- Chronicle of Higher Education   White affirmative action??? 
  • Iowa radio host Jan Mickelson offers a plan to enslave undocumented immigrants of they remain in U.S. past deadline. -- Chris Hayes White slave owner fantasies.  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Hillary is trying to trump Trump for all of his immigration comments.
    Back to middle school--this is nothing but a silly popularity contest, on both sides. Ugh!


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