Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tucson students walk out over banning of ethnic cultural studies

Pres. Obama wrestled verbally over immigration policy with racist Ariz. Gov. Jan Brewer, after hundreds of Tucson students walked out of their schools in a coordinated protest against the banishment of the district’s acclaimed Mexican American Studies program.

Cholla High School student Ahtziri IƱiguez noted that she was following the march in the footsteps of her brother, a graduate of the Mexican American Studies Program.
“I think it’s very unfair that people here don’t let us learn about our own culture,” she said. “My brother took (Mexican American Studies) classes his junior year and he would go home and discuss with my Mom and interested me in education, so I knew I wanted to take these classes.” -- Common Dreams
Without federal intervention, the program appears doomed.

1 comment:

  1. She attacked him in her book and then chastised him for being "thin skinned." But knowing Brewer, it wasn't the thin part of his skin that troubled her.


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