Thursday, September 29, 2011

Christie just another teacher-bashing corporate reformer

N.J. teacher writes
My parents, both public school teachers, along with the many great teachers who shaped my life, were my inspiration when I changed careers and became a teacher in 2003. As I return to school this year, the calls for “reform” and the negative atmosphere created by the vociferous “blame the teacher” brigade make me question my career change.

The largest piece of the governor’s proposals focuses on improving teacher quality. The plan purports to value teachers and claims their effectiveness is the most important variable in how children learn; however, the “top-down” dictatorial approach asks for no input from teachers, the same stakeholders the governor claims to value so highly. In fact, teachers would be stripped of the right to collectively bargain compensation policies and work rules. During a stop at my school to advance his plan, the governor took no questions from teachers. The governor’s proposals appear to focus less on quality and more on reducing cost, undermining the quality teaching staffs successful districts have recruited and developed. -- Andrew Romanelli is a special-education teacher at Hopewell Valley Central High School. (NJ.Com)

1 comment:

  1. The very fact that he took no questions from teachers is prima facie evidence that he has no business setting education policy.

    Get out, and leave our schools alone, you know-nothing bully and corporate pawn.


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