Thursday, July 9, 2009

The way they think

Deb Meier's latest (and last for the summer) post on Bridging Differences, quotes IBM's Louis Gerstner wanting to replace the country's 16,000 school districts with just one. It made me think back to the wish expressed by L.A. Supt. Ramon Cortines for a "dictatorship" over his district. Deb also offers some good summer reads.

The Duncan Era

I don't know why it took me so long. But I finally got around to reading Matthew Blake's comprehensive assessment of the Duncan era in Chicago, "The educators new clothes: Everybody loves Arne Duncan. But do his reforms work?" It was well worth the read. Check it out.

More on mayoral control

The Tribune carries the latest chapter on the Daley machine's job/patronage dealings. That Arne Duncan still touts mayoral control of the schools as the "model" for every city is almost laughable. The only question is when the federal prosecutor's noose will tighten around the Fifth Floor of City Hall.

1 comment:

  1. So Arne. If Daley is running a failed corrupt machine with no improvement in schools and Bloomberg is a dictator, tell us again why we want mayoral control?


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