Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Here's how the supt. selection game is now played in urban school districts. Don't tell the public.

A gloomy Huff poster says school reform can't happen--ever. Blame the kids, b-ball, everything.

I hated the idea of building another 5,000-student high school in L.A. Especially one built on a toxic site. But now that it's built, the Belmont Zone of Choice with its autonomous small schools (Pilot Schools) for students in downtown L.A. looks interesting.

Green Dot's Steve Barr and UTLA prez A.J. Duffy go at it on KPCC. Listen here.


  1. Notice the schenangans across the state line -- the Guv and Sup of Public Instruction are trying to make it easier to hire Kline and Rhee wannabes...ugh...
    I mean why would we want someone with education qualifications running our schools?

  2. It's Mr. arrogant know-it-all vs. Mr. do-nothing. Not much to choose from there.


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