Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Inside Chicago's School Renaissance

"It's a good thing..."-- No it's not Martha Stewart

Reason # 437 why (sorry, Arne) Mayor Daley shouldn't be running the schools

The city's magnet schools, which were created to meet court-ordered racial deseg requirements, have become another link, like jobs and contracts, in the patronage chain. Daley's response:
In responding to claims that clout played a role in magnet school applications in the city, Mayor Richard M. Daley said Chicagoans should be glad that students are competing to get into Chicago Public Schools. "Thank God people are trying to get in," Daley said at an unrelated news conference Tuesday. "It's a good thing." (Channel 2 News)

1 comment:

  1. Great quote from Beachwood Reporter's Steve Rhodes: "I suppose an increase in car thefts is a good thing because it shows people still want cars!"


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