Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Denver charter school in tatters

Mugged by Mosaica

Shades of earlier KIPP closings in Denver, hundreds of students who attend the Denver Arts and Technology Academy are out in the cold after the charter school’s board of directors opted to close shop in the wake of mounting debt, low enrollments and an on-going feud with the private management company that runs the northwest Denver school.
Dahl pointed out that Mosaica, which operates 77 schools across the country, ran into trouble for allegedly mismanaging a school near New Orleans. The Louisiana dispute led to arbitration. In the end, Mosaica was forced to pay $350,000 in damages. Additional information about the dispute between Mosaica and the board members with the Lafayette Academy can be found here.
(Source: Denver Post)

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I'm shocked. I thought if we just got rid of those awful unionized teachers, hired a bunch of 22-year-olds to work 200 hours a week, and put them on call 24-7 with company Blackberries we'd have it made in the shade.

    Oh where, where did we go astray?


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